الدكتور عبد الناصر عريضة لديه خبرة واسعة تزيد عن 25 عامًا في مجال الطب النفسي. في عام 2018، أسس مركز بيوتفل مايند الطبي، وهو مركز رائد في مجال الصحة النفسية في أبوظبي.
قبل ذلك عمل لسنوات عديدة كطبيب نفسي استشاري في مدينة الشيخ خليفة الطبية (SKMC) في أبوظبي، حيث شغل أيضًا منصب رئيس عيادة الطب النفسي العام للبالغين. و خلال فترة عمله في مدينة الشيخ خليفة الطبية، لعب دورًا محوريًا في تدريب الطلاب الجامعيين، ورئاسة برنامج التعليم الطبي المستمر، والمساهمة في العديد من اللجان التي تركز على الرعاية النفسية.
في عام 2013، انتقل الدكتور عريضة إلى القطاع الخاص في أبوظبي وهو يقدم رعاية نفسية شاملة للأفراد من جميع الأعمار، بما في ذلك الأطفال والمراهقين والبالغين وكبار السن.
Based on 224 reviews Dr Abdulnaser is the best in pyscho medicine feild after Dr Abu Laban i know this for a fact because i knew the patient and hospital clinic they both used to work in before Dr Abdulnaser wife opened a clinic for her husband which is outstanding and heartwarming as she is also a very kind person who i always stumble upon the corridor in the morning and gives me a smile. Dr Maher is best in psycho Therapy as he also uses holistic approach in therapy and helps the patient find his center from the days of how everyday is a new day. I love also all the staff from reception and pharmacy and the security guard they are all kind and great in communication with the patients and helpful. Abdulla Al Romaithi2024-11-07 I have been seeing Dr. Maher at the Beautiful Mind Center, and I cannot recommend him highly enough. He is incredibly skilled, compassionate, and attentive to my needs, creating a safe and welcoming environment where I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts and challenges. Dr. Maher’s approach is thoughtful and personalized; he takes the time to truly understand my perspective and works with me to develop effective strategies for growth and well-being. I’ve experienced noticeable progress since beginning therapy with him, and I’m grateful to have found such a supportive and knowledgeable therapist. Beautiful Mind Center is a wonderful place for anyone seeking high-quality mental health support. Yyyy O2024-11-07 I've been seeing my therapist Mahr for a year now, I feel comfortable with him, He helps me with alot of things and always gives good advices. Malak M2024-11-06 I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the entire team at Beautiful Mind Medical Center and the pharmacy staff. Your dedication, compassion, and professionalism have made a significant difference in my experience. Thank you for your exceptional care and support—I truly appreciate all that you do. Mohamed Alwahedi2024-11-03 حسن تعامل الموظفين مع العملاء Khaled Alshaqsi2024-11-03 I would like to thank all the staff in Beautiful Mind Centre and Dr Abdul Naser for his kindness and the pharmacy staff they are very kind Osama Al Dousari2024-11-03