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Panic disorder is characterized by the spontaneous and unexpected occurrence of panic attacks.

Panic attack is a period of intense fear accompanied with some of the following symptoms : Palpitations, accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling or shaking, sense of shortness of breath , feeling of choking, chest pain or discomfort, nausea or abdominal distress, feeling dizzy, fear of dying, numbness or tingling sensations, and chills or hot flashes.

symptoms develop abruptly and peak rapidly within minutes and usually resolve within 15-30 minutes .

The fear of recurrent attacks result in significant behavioral changes (eg, avoiding certain situations or locations, becoming dependent or withdrawn) and worry about the consequences of the attack (eg, losing control, going crazy, dying).

Before diagnosing panic disorder , a general medical evaluation is important to rule out medical causes of panic symptoms.

Patients with panic disorder are reluctant to believe their symptoms are not life-threatening and they seek medical checkup excessively .

The causes of panic disorder are likely biologic (chemical imbalance in the brain) and psychosocial (stress).

Pharmacotherapy, and psychotherapy (CBT) are used to manage panic disorder.

Other important points are doing exercise regularly, practicing  good sleep hygiene, avoiding  anxiogenic substances such as caffeine and energy drinks, and to remember that panic symptoms are not life-threatening

Sultan Bin Zayed The First St,
Al Muntazah – Zone 1,
Abu Dhabi, UAE

T: +97126212230
E: [email protected]